Seeking part-time executive director/ program manager (starting 20 hours per week) transitioning to full time leadership of successful community-based non-profit. Flexible hours. Spanish speaking, reading, and writing skills a big plus. Some work can be virtual.
Are you looking to make a difference in community development - to build community, advance environmental justice, make policy change, create economic opportunity, and transform problem real estate into affordable homeownership? Then join us.
Who we are: We are a fast-growing Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit community developer created in 2018 and driven by residents. We create economic opportunity and building community by acquiring and renovating long term vacant and problem properties for affordable homeownership. We are expanding our development capacity to transform troubled vacant land and building new affordable homes in Baltimore City. We are advancing environmental justice by partnering with other organizations to remediate brownfields and address displacement.
What we do: We find solutions to build generational wealth and create healthy environments in our historically disinvested neighborhood while we work to help residents become homeowners and community leaders.
Where we are: We are in the Brooklyn and Curtis Bay communities in southernmost Baltimore City and the adjacent community of Brooklyn Park in northernmost Anne Arundel County. Our communities are historically disinvested and diverse. We are approximately one third Black, one third White, and one third Latine with a significant number of Asian residents.
Summary Job Description: We are looking for a candidate with in-person people skills seeking purpose and interested in innovation in community development, law, data analysis, meaningful policy change, and climate justice.
You will work with the board and current executive director as a team to pursue opportunities, oversee property acquisition and renovation, design strategic improvements, engage the community visibly and often, pursue sustainable funding, and work for policy change. The candidate will be expected to move into a full-time executive director role.
The position requires strategic thinking, analytical skills, and innovation with room to grow, as well as good reading and writing skills. Experience with Word and Excel, and some simple accounting are also required. Management experience is a plus. If you’re committed, we will train other work skills and provide opportunities to expand.
You will need a willingness to learn about the Brooklyn/Curtis Bay communities of Baltimore City and the Brooklyn Park community of Anne Arundel County and to gain knowledge of the area and the residents.
For attorney candidates, there is also the possibility of combining the position with a part time law practice in our community.
Part-time compensation starting at $35 per hour for 20 hours per week, to grow to $75,000 full-time salary.
To apply send resume to:
Jan Eveland, CEO
Action Baybrook, Inc.
511 E. Patapsco Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21225
For questions call or text Jan at 410-707-7851
Seeking part-time executive director/ program manager (starting 20 hours per week) transitioning to full time leadership of successful community-based non-profit. Flexible hours. Spanish speaking, reading, and writing skills a big plus. Some work can be virtual.
Are you looking to make a difference in community development - to build community, advance environmental justice, make policy change, create economic opportunity, and transform problem real estate into affordable homeownership? Then join us.
Who we are: We are a fast-growing Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit community developer created in 2018 and driven by residents. We create economic opportunity and building community by acquiring and renovating long term vacant and problem properties for affordable homeownership. We are expanding our development capacity to transform troubled vacant land and building new affordable homes in Baltimore City. We are advancing environmental justice by…
English - fluent reading, writing, speaking and understanding verbal and written language.
Spanish - big plus if you are fluent reading, writing, speaking and understanding verbal and written language.
English - fluent reading, writing, speaking and understanding verbal and written language.
Spanish - big plus if you are fluent reading, writing, speaking and understanding verbal…